Often times you see the information better if it's illustrated than just written in a bulk of text.
Illustrating the information you have on your website or social media is always perceived better, for most of the people, than just plain text.
The first step I go through when illustrating content for a website is sketching. Presenting various sketches created based on the same information helps with the selection process at this step. For this exact case I also proposed an animation to show the workflow of the information for the hero image.
After the sketch is accepted, I go to the next step which is coloring and defining the details.
I usually export the illustrations in a mockup to show a version of it closer to how it should look if it would be imported on the area that it's needed.
Sometimes we go through various versions of color palette and tweak some details until we end up at the final version of the image.
One fun way to show the icons of a sub section is to animate them. Either animate them on scroll or in a loop they will surely catch attention to the eye and invite the user to stay for a moment on that content area.
All-in-all, having custom illustrations in your website, on your social media profile, video book and/or print materials is always a good way to present the information.
If you have information that needs illustrations, let me know.
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